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Impression So Please Give Your All Comments"

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Showing posts with label Blog Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Tricks. Show all posts

How to Change Posts Comments Option

How to Change Posts Comments Option
    You can set comments on your posts to anyone or you selected

  • First open the blog dashbord and then click on settings

  • then select the posts and comments settings 
  •  Then select the anyone or what you want on the option    

  • Then save the settings

How to Change Blog Posts on Main Pgae Settings

How many posts showing on your main page of blogspot .

How much you want to see on the main page you can set

Read following to how to set
  • For change go to settings in posts and comments 
  • then change the posts to how much you want to see on main page

How to Change Blogspot Interface

                        Google Blog is introduced a new blog interface in current year. This new interface is very useful and user friendly .If you not like this you can go back to the old interface .so how to go to the old interface

  • First you go to the blog settings 
  • Click on the settings 

  • Then select the old interface you are done now you can view your blog in old interface
For more watch this video

How to Set Page Tab Top of The Blog

 * To Make Your Page Tab On The Top of The Blog How to do It

       Here is The Way to Make your Page tab To Top Of the Page

    * On The blog Dashbord Click on Pages


    * Then Click On the Don't show button

    * And select the top Tabs option

    * Then Save the settings .

          You done Then check your blog you can see the page tab on the top

 For Watch This Video

Create Image Gallery For Blogger With Control Options

  1. Log in to your Blogger account
  2. Go To Design > Page Elements
  3. Select HTML/JavaScript widget
  4. Paste the following code inside it,
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
/*Make sure your page contains a valid doctype at the top*/
#simplegallery1{ //CSS for Simple Gallery Example 1
position: relative; /*keep this intact*/
visibility: hidden; /*keep this intact*/
border: 1px solid #666;
#simplegallery1 .gallerydesctext{ //CSS for description DIV of Example 1 (if defined)
text-align: left;
padding: 2px 5px;
font: 10px normal verdana, arial;
<script type="text/javascript" >
var simpleGallery_navpanel={
    loadinggif: '', //full path or URL to loading gif image
    panel: {height:'45px', opacity:0.5, paddingTop:'5px', fontStyle:'bold 11px Verdana'}, //customize nav panel container
    images: [ '', '', '', ''], //nav panel images (in that order)
    imageSpacing: {offsetTop:[-4, 0, -4], spacing:10}, //top offset of left, play, and right images, PLUS spacing between the 3 images
    slideduration: 500 //duration of slide up animation to reveal panel
function simpleGallery(settingarg){
    var setting=this.setting
    setting.panelheight=(parseInt(setting.navpanelheight)>5)? parseInt(setting.navpanelheight) : parseInt(simpleGallery_navpanel.panel.height)
    setting.curimage=(setting.persist)? simpleGallery.routines.getCookie("gallery-"+setting.wrapperid) : 0
    setting.curimage=setting.curimage || 0 //account for curimage being null if cookie is empty
    setting.preloadfirst=(!jQuery.Deferred)? false : (typeof setting.preloadfirst!="undefined")? setting.preloadfirst : true //Boolean on whether to preload all images before showing gallery
    setting.ispaused=!setting.autoplay[0] //ispaused reflects current state of gallery, autoplay[0] indicates whether gallery is set to auto play
    setting.currentstep=0 //keep track of # of slides slideshow has gone through
    setting.totalsteps=setting.imagearray.length*setting.autoplay[2] //Total steps limit: # of images x # of user specified cycles
    setting.fglayer=0, setting.bglayer=1 //index of active and background layer (switches after each change of slide)
    setting.oninit=setting.oninit || function(){}
    setting.onslide=setting.onslide || function(){}
    var preloadimages=[], longestdesc=null, loadedimages=0
    var dfd = (setting.preloadfirst)? jQuery.Deferred() : {resolve:function(){}, done:function(f){f()}} //create real deferred object unless preloadfirst setting is false or browser doesn't support it
    setting.longestdesc="" //get longest description of all slides. If no desciptions defined, variable contains ""
    setting.$loadinggif=(function(){ //preload and ref ajax loading gif
        var loadgif=new Image()
        return jQuery(loadgif).css({verticalAlign:'middle'}).wrap('<div style="position:absolute;text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%" />').parent()
    for (var i=0; i<setting.imagearray.length; i++){  //preload slideshow images
        preloadimages[i]=new Image()
        if (setting.imagearray[i][3] && setting.imagearray[i][3].length>setting.longestdesc.length)
        jQuery(preloadimages[i]).bind('load error', function(){
            if (loadedimages==setting.imagearray.length){
                dfd.resolve() //indicate all images have been loaded
    var slideshow=this
        var setting=slideshow.setting
        setting.$wrapperdiv=$('#'+setting.wrapperid).css({position:'relative', visibility:'visible', background:'black', overflow:'hidden', width:setting.dimensions[0], height:setting.dimensions[1]}).empty() //main gallery DIV
        if (setting.$wrapperdiv.length==0){ //if no wrapper DIV found
            alert("Error: DIV with ID \""+setting.wrapperid+"\" not found on page.")
        setting.$gallerylayers=$('<div class="gallerylayer"></div><div class="gallerylayer"></div>') //two stacked DIVs to display the actual slide
            .css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0})
        setting.$loadinggif.css({top:setting.dimensions[1]/2-30}).appendTo(setting.$wrapperdiv) //30 is assumed height of ajax loading gif
        setting.gallerylayers=setting.$gallerylayers.get() //cache stacked DIVs as DOM objects
        setting.navbuttons=simpleGallery.routines.addnavpanel(setting) //get 4 nav buttons DIVs as DOM objects
        if (setting.longestdesc!="") //if at least one slide contains a description (feature is enabled)
            .bind('mouseover mouseout', function(e){
                $(this).css({opacity:(e.type=="mouseover")? 1 : 0.8})
            .bind('click', function(e){
                slideshow.navigate(keyword) //assign behavior to nav images
        dfd.done(function(){ //execute when all images have loaded
            setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseenter', function(){slideshow.showhidenavpanel('show')})
            setting.$wrapperdiv.bind('mouseleave', function(){slideshow.showhidenavpanel('hide')})
            slideshow.showslide(setting.curimage) //show initial slide
   //trigger oninit() event
            $(window).bind('unload', function(){ //clean up and persist
                if (slideshow.setting.persist) //remember last shown image's index
                    simpleGallery.routines.setCookie("gallery-"+setting.wrapperid, setting.curimage)
                jQuery.each(slideshow.setting, function(k){
                    if (slideshow.setting[k] instanceof Array){
                        for (var i=0; i<slideshow.setting[k].length; i++){
                            if (slideshow.setting[k][i].tagName=="DIV") //catches 2 gallerylayer divs, gallerystatus div
                    if (slideshow.setting[k].innerHTML) //catch gallerydesctext div
        }) //end deferred code
    }) //end jQuery domload
        this.setting.totalsteps=100000 //if any of the nav buttons are clicked on, set totalsteps limit to an "unreachable" number
        if (!isNaN(parseInt(keyword))){
        else if (/(prev)|(next)/i.test(keyword)){
        else{ //if play|pause button
            var slideshow=this
            var $playbutton=$(this.setting.navbuttons).eq(1)
            if (!this.setting.ispaused){ //if pause Gallery
                $playbutton.attr({title:'Play', src:simpleGallery_navpanel.images[1]})
            else if (this.setting.ispaused){ //if play Gallery
                this.setting.playtimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.showslide('next')}, this.setting.autoplay[1])
                $playbutton.attr({title:'Pause', src:simpleGallery_navpanel.images[3]})
        var slideshow=this
        var setting=slideshow.setting
        var totalimages=setting.imagearray.length
        var imgindex=(keyword=="next")? (setting.curimage<totalimages-1? setting.curimage+1 : 0)
            : (keyword=="prev")? (setting.curimage>0? setting.curimage-1 : totalimages-1)
            : Math.min(keyword, totalimages-1)
        setting.$gallerylayers.eq(setting.bglayer).css({zIndex:1000, opacity:0}) //background layer becomes foreground
            .stop().css({opacity:0}).animate({opacity:1}, setting.fadeduration, function(){ //Callback function after fade animation is complete:
                setting.gallerylayers[setting.bglayer].innerHTML=null  //empty bglayer (previously fglayer before setting.fglayer=setting.bglayer was set below)
          , setting.gallerylayers[setting.fglayer], setting.curimage)
                    alert("Simple Controls Gallery: An error has occured somwhere in your code attached to the \"onslide\" event: "+e)
                if (setting.autoplay[0]){
                    if (setting.currentstep<=setting.totalsteps)
                        setting.playtimer=setTimeout(function(){slideshow.showslide('next')}, setting.autoplay[1])
            }) //end callback function
        setting.gallerylayers[setting.fglayer].style.zIndex=999 //foreground layer becomes background
        setting.bglayer=(setting.bglayer==0)? 1 : 0
        setting.navbuttons[3].innerHTML=(setting.curimage+1) + '/' + setting.imagearray.length
        if (setting.imagearray[imgindex][3]){ //if this slide contains a description
        else if (setting.longestdesc!=""){ //if at least one slide contains a description (feature is enabled)
        var setting=this.setting
        var endpoint=(state=="show")? setting.dimensions[1]-setting.panelheight : this.setting.dimensions[1]
        setting.$navpanel.stop().animate({top:endpoint}, simpleGallery_navpanel.slideduration)
        if (setting.longestdesc!="") //if at least one slide contains a description (feature is enabled)
        var setting=this.setting
        var endpoint=(state=="show")? 0 : -setting.descpanelheight
        setting.$descpanel.stop().animate({top:endpoint}, simpleGallery_navpanel.slideduration)
        var layerHTML=(imgelement[1])? '<a href="'+imgelement[1]+'" target="'+imgelement[2]+'">\n' : '' //hyperlink slide?
        layerHTML+='<img src="'+imgelement[0]+'" style="border-width:0" />'
        layerHTML+=(imgelement[1])? '</a>' : ''
        return layerHTML //return HTML for this layer
        var interfaceHTML=''
        for (var i=0; i<3; i++){
            var imgstyle='position:relative; border:0; cursor:hand; cursor:pointer; top:'+simpleGallery_navpanel.imageSpacing.offsetTop[i]+'px; margin-right:'+(i!=2? simpleGallery_navpanel.imageSpacing.spacing+'px' : 0)
            var title=(i==0? 'Prev' : (i==1)? (setting.ispaused? 'Play' : 'Pause') : 'Next')
            var imagesrc=(i==1)? simpleGallery_navpanel.images[(setting.ispaused)? 1 : 3] : simpleGallery_navpanel.images[i]
            interfaceHTML+='<img class="navimages" title="' + title + '" src="'+ imagesrc +'" style="'+imgstyle+'" /> '
        interfaceHTML+='<div class="gallerystatus" style="margin-top:1px">' + (setting.curimage+1) + '/' + setting.imagearray.length + '</div>'
        setting.$navpanel=$('<div class="navpanellayer"></div>')
            .css({position:'absolute', width:'100%', height:setting.panelheight, left:0, top:setting.dimensions[1], font:simpleGallery_navpanel.panel.fontStyle, zIndex:'1001'})
        $('<div class="navpanelbg"></div><div class="navpanelfg"></div>') //create inner nav panel DIVs
            .css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0, width:'100%', height:'100%'})
            .eq(0).css({background:'black', opacity:simpleGallery_navpanel.panel.opacity}).end() //"navpanelbg" div
            .eq(1).css({paddingTop:simpleGallery_navpanel.panel.paddingTop, textAlign:'center', color:'white'}).html(interfaceHTML).end() //"navpanelfg" div
        return setting.$navpanel.find('img.navimages, div.gallerystatus').get() //return 4 nav related images and DIVs as DOM objects
        setting.$descpanel=$('<div class="gallerydesc"><div class="gallerydescbg"></div><div class="gallerydescfg"><div class="gallerydesctext"></div></div></div>')
            .css({position:'absolute', width:'100%', left:0, top:-1000, zIndex:'1001'})
            .find('div').css({position:'absolute', left:0, top:0, width:'100%'})
            .eq(0).css({background:'black', opacity:simpleGallery_navpanel.panel.opacity}).end() //"gallerydescbg" div
            .eq(1).css({color:'white'}).end() //"gallerydescfg" div
        var $gallerydesctext=setting.$descpanel.find('div.gallerydesctext')
        setting.$descpanel.css({top:-setting.descpanelheight, height:setting.descpanelheight}).find('div').css({height:'100%'})
        return setting.$descpanel.find('div.gallerydesctext').get(0) //return gallery description DIV as a DOM object
        var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
        if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found
            return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
        return null
    setCookie:function(name, value){
        document.cookie = name+"=" + value + ";path=/"
<script type="text/javascript">
var mygallery=new simpleGallery({
    wrapperid: "simplegallery1", //ID of main gallery container,
    dimensions: [300, 200], //width/height of gallery in pixels. Should reflect dimensions of the images exactly
    imagearray: [
        ["IMAGE LINK 1", "#", "_new", "DESCRIPTION"],
        ["IMAGE LINK 2", "#", "_new", "DESCRIPTION"],

        ["IMAGE LINK 3","#", "_new", "DESCRIPTION"],

        ["IMAGE LINK 4", "#", "_new", "DESCRIPTION"],

        ["IMAGE LINK 5", "#", "_new", "DESCRIPTION"]     ],
    autoplay: [true, 2000, 20], //[auto_play_boolean, delay_btw_slide_millisec, cycles_before_stopping_int]
    persist: false, //remember last viewed slide and recall within same session?
    fadeduration: 500, //transition duration (milliseconds)
    oninit:function(){ //event that fires when gallery has initialized/ ready to run
        //Keyword "this": references current gallery instance (ie: try this.navigate("play/pause"))
    onslide:function(curslide, i){ //event that fires after each slide is shown
        //Keyword "this": references current gallery instance
        //curslide: returns DOM reference to current slide's DIV (ie: try alert(curslide.innerHTML)
        //i: integer reflecting current image within collection being shown (0=1st image, 1=2nd etc)
<div id="simplegallery1"></div>

Now carefully make these changes:
  1. Resize all your images to a fixed size. To change the image size edit 300, 200 where 300 is the width and 200 is the height. If your images are of bigger size then they will be clipped rather resized. So its better that you manually first resize your images in Photoshop and then proceed.
  2. Upload your images in blogger and then replace  IMAGE LINK 1, IMAGE LINK 2 ,...., so on with your Image links in that order.
  3. Replace # with the Page Link. The visitors will click the image to land on a page so mention the URL of that page. If you don't want to link the image then simply delete  #
  4. Replace DESCRIPTION with some information about the image. This image decription will appear at the top when a user hovers cursor on it. If you don't want to write any description then simply delete  DESCRIPTION
  5. If you don't want the images to play automatically then turn off auto play. Turn true to false.
  6. To change the time interval between next and previous slide then edit 2000
  7. That's it! You are all done! :)

How change your blog templates In easy Way

How change your blog templates
  • First click on Templates in blogger settings 

    • Then click on backup/restore 
    • Then Select a templates (you must download a template from internet you can get many free template from web  )
    • Then click on Upload you are Changed template OK any doubt you contact me

    Related Posts with Thumbnails for Blogger

    related posts with thumbnails for blogger
    Displaying the links to related posts along with a thumbnail of the corresponding post will help you increase the page views/user .Users will be tempted to go for the related posts when they are presented attractively with thumbnails.

    This is another first release from me.This one also uses the media thumbnails generated by blogger for each post.
    For displaying the thumbnails,this widget will use the images uploaded for the post using the blogger image uploader(from the post editor) [Update - Now supports external images also.]

    For this widget you fist go to



    Install Widget on Blogger

    1. Click Install Widget to open Blogger in a new window, and follow the steps below in that window. Login to your Blogger account if necessary.
    2. Select a blog if you have more than one, then click on Add Widget.

    3. (Optional) For better performance, Drag and Drop the LinkWithin box under the "Blog Posts" box.

    4. Click on Save.

    And you're done! The widget should now appear on your blog.
    If there is a technical problem with the widget, visit our support page

    Guide To Check Website Backlinks

    As you start promoting your newly launched website through various off page SEO strategies, you will be often curious to count your backlinks and their value. Indeed, knowing the quality and number of backlinks will help you in link campaigns. How to check backlinks is the first question that comes to the mind of a newbie. There are aplenty ways to check the number of backlinks your sites have.

    The most common way to check your backlink is typing the following syntax in Google, This will instantly list out websites the point toward yours. However, Google will not reveal all the links to avoid link spamming. There are various specialized SEO tools that help you find out the number of backlinks to your website. Some of them can tell you the PR of the linking sites and the exact link location too.
    There are many websites that have backlink checking tools online. You just have to type your URL and click the submit button. Instantly the tool will reveal the number of backlinks along with keywords and also other details such as your website value, popularity, interest, and depth.
    Mozilla’s free SEO tools are very popular and can help you in finding out the number of websites that link to yours. You just have visit the official website, download the tools and install them on to your Mozilla web browser. This way you can check the status of your backlinks with a click or two.
    For those who do not wish to download SEO tools, yet wish to check backlinks the following URLs can be of great help.
    If you like to download free SEO tools and start building links in a professional way the following are the places to go.
    While the above mentioned websites are some of the top resources for checking backlinks, a simple search in the internet will display hundreds of websites that can help you analyze backlinks and promote your websites in a systematic way.

    How To : Add Simple Facebook Like Box Below Every Post in Blogger

    How To : Add Simple Facebook Like Box Below Every Post in Blogger

    Use of social media will definitely brings you tons of visitors. We all know, blog traffic is directly proportional to money. Hence making more page views will boost your income from the blog. Adding a simple  Facebook Like box below every postin  blogger will helps you to increase the Facebook fans as well as traffic. Thisis a simple tutorial on adding a light script in your blogger HTML codex. Thus more visitors assured.
    How To Add the Scriptin HTML Part
    This doesn’t need any coding skill at all. just follow my instructions and you will be acquiring the tipto add the Facebook box below every blog post.
    Note: This is only for Blogger blogs and won’t work in WordPress  blogs. There are some plugins for WordPressto add the same.
    *. As usual log in to your blogger dashboard and move to Template> Edit HTML
    *. You have to Expand the HTML code to find a certain code. So Mark  “Expand Widget Template” as shown below

    *. Now search for <data:post.body/> bypressing Ctrl+F in your keyword.
    *. Now just below the above code, add the below script in the body.

    &lt;b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &amp;quot;item&amp;quot;’&gt;&lt;iframe allowTransparency=’true’ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ src=’// tricksmash &amp;amp;width= 622 &amp;amp;height= 180 &amp;amp;colorscheme=light&amp;amp;show_faces=true&amp;amp;border_color&amp;amp;stream=false&amp;amp;header=false’ style=’border:none; overflow:hidden; width: 622 px; height: 180 px;’/&gt;&lt;/b:if&gt;
    *. Just replace the pink colored part to your own custom data.Replace with your fb fan page idand the height and width respectively.
    Done. move back to your blogger blog and now check whether the facebook fan box appears below every post.

    How to avoid word verification on Blog

     How to avoid word verification on Blog

    In this case, word verification is applied to certain potential spam blogs by an automated system. Because this is automated there will necessarily be some false positives, though we're continually working on improving our algorithms to avoid these. If your blog is one of the false positives, we apologize. Having the word verification on your posting form does not prevent you from publishing and does not mean that your blog will be deleted or otherwise punished if it is not actually in violation of our policies.
    To avoid further inconveniences when publishing, click the "?" (question mark) icon next to the word verification on your posting form:
    That will take you to a page where you can request a review for your blog. We'll have someone look at it, verify that it isn't spam, and then whitelist your blog so it no longer has the word verification requirement.

    Related Posts Widget For Blogger

    Related Posts Widget For Blogger

    The related posts widget will show a new related posts section below your post.The related posts widget fetches the related posts from those posts having the same label as the current post.
    To implement the related posts widget you will have to follow 2 simple replacement steps.
    1.Login to your blogger account and get into your Dashboard
    2.From there go to Layout > Edit HTML and expand your widget templates(option on the right)
    3.Now find this line of code
    and replace it with
    <!--Related Posts Scripts and Styles Start-->
    <!--Remove--><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <style type="text/css">
    #related-posts {
    #related-posts .widget{
    #related-posts .widget h2, #related-posts h2{
    font-size: 1.6em;
    font-weight: bold;
    color: black;
    font-family: Georgia, &#8220;Times New Roman&#8221;, Times, serif;
    margin-bottom: 0.75em;
    margin-top: 0em;
    padding-top: 0em;
    #related-posts a{
    #related-posts a:hover{
    #related-posts ul{
    margin:0 0 0px 0;
    #related-posts ul li{
    background:transparent url( no-repeat ;
    margin-bottom: 13px;
    padding-left: 30px;
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var relatedpoststitle="Related Posts";
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <!--Related Posts Scripts and Styles End-->
    If you want to change the title of your widget you can edit this line of the above code
    var relatedpoststitle="Related Posts";
    If you want you can edit the blue and black colors present in this code
    4.Now find this line of code
    <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
    If you cant find it then try finding this one
    <p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>
    Now immediately after any of these lines(whichever you could find) place this code snippet
    <!-- Related Posts Code Start-->
    <!--Remove--><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div id='related-posts'>
    <b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
    <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + + &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=6&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop><a href=''><img style="border: 0" alt="Related Posts Widget for Blogger" src="" /></a>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var maxresults=5;
    removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels(&quot;<data:post.url/>&quot;);
    <!-- Related Posts Code End-->
    var maxresults=5;
    this line determines the number of related posts that are displayed..and by default 6 posts are fetched from each label.
    Now you should have a working related posts widget on your blog.If you want to customize the look and feel,then you can alter the CSS rules.OR if you have any doubts or need any modifications,you can surely contact me via comments or at Blogger Forums .The codes are well commented .So this can be easily removed whenever you want..
    Note: If you want to display the Related Posts on every page, then remove the 4 lines of code starting with <!--Remove—>
    Update 29/03/2012 : If the script is not working anymore, do change to
    Sorry for the trouble :-)


    Light Box Image Viewer For Blogger

    Light Box Image Viewer For Blogger

    Light box is a really elegant image viewer addon using javascript and the prototype framework. First of all i would like to give the credits to the original maker of Light box,Lokesh Dhakar
    I have also added some demos of Lightbox to this page.So if you are not sure,what lightbox is,then take a look at the two demos in this Post.This will really help you in building a well styled gallery like blog.

    Installation Steps

    1.Login to your Blogger Dashboard
    2.Go to Design > Edit HTML
    3.Find this piece of code
    and replace it with
    <!--Light Box Code Starts  Bloggerplugins.ORG-->
    #lightbox{    position: absolute;    left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 100; text-align: center; line-height: 0;}
    #lightbox img{ width: auto; height: auto;}
    #lightbox a img{ border: none; }
    #outerImageContainer{ position: relative; background-color: #fff; width: 250px; height: 250px; margin: 0 auto; }
    #imageContainer{ padding: 10px; }
    #loading{ position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 0%; height: 25%; width: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 0; }
    #hoverNav{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; z-index: 10; }
    #imageContainer&gt;#hoverNav{ left: 0;}
    #hoverNav a{ outline: none;}
    #prevLink, #nextLink{ width: 49%; height: 100%; background-image: url(); /* Trick IE into showing hover */ display: block; }
    #prevLink { left: 0; float: left;}
    #nextLink { right: 0; float: right;}
    #prevLink:hover, #prevLink:visited:hover { background: url( left 15% no-repeat; }
    #nextLink:hover, #nextLink:visited:hover { background: url( right 15% no-repeat; }
    #imageDataContainer{ font: 10px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #fff; margin: 0 auto; line-height: 1.4em; overflow: auto; width: 100%    ; }
    #imageData{    padding:0 10px; color: #666; }
    #imageData #imageDetails{ width: 70%; float: left; text-align: left; } 
    #imageData #caption{ font-weight: bold;    }
    #imageData #numberDisplay{ display: block; clear: left; padding-bottom: 1.0em;    }         
    #imageData #bottomNavClose{ width: 66px; float: right;  padding-bottom: 0.7em; outline: none;}      
    #overlay{ position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 90; width: 100%; height: 500px; background-color: #000; }
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <!--Light Box Code Ends Bloggerplugins.ORG-->

    Adding Images for the Lightbox Viewer

    Now you have added the scripts and styles needed for the lightbox.Next part is to add our images..
    You can also add captions to your images and also group multiple images into albums. First upload your photo using the blogger photo upload tool.Now switch to the edit html view from the post editor
    See the instructions in these images. (Click to view a bigger version.. :))
    Make sure that you delete the -h from s1600-h .Now you should be able to see the image(which you uploaded) in an overlay LightBox
    Options Explained...
    adding rel="lightbox" title="Your image Caption" will create a lightbox viewer for the single image.
    Demo of a Single Image

    Creating an album with light box

    If you are making an album out of multiple images, then add rel="lightbox[albumname]" title="Your Image Caption"  to each of the images present in that album. Images with the same albumname will constitute a single Light box overlay, and you can traverse through the album using the Next and Previous Buttons. Images in an album can obviously have different captions, but a common albumname. You can make multiple albums in a single post by choosing different album names.
    Demo of a Light Box Album
    Did you notice that your keyboard arrow keys can be used to navigate through the album? :) I hope this would be very useful for those who own a photography blog.If you have any troubles in implementing this,you can surely contact me via comments or @Blogger Forums. If you are reading this in a feed reader,the Demos won’t be displayed. To see the demos, visit the actual post page